Monday, March 8, 2010


As I mentioned in my first post, my Grandpa recently passed. I failed to mention that he passed a day before my 24th birthday. So, I've had better birthdays...The day was a little somber when unexpectedly the doorbell rang. Puffy eyed, red faced with tears dried up on my cheeks, I felt in no mood to be seen by anyone so I asked Adam to answer the door. He called up to me and insisted I get it. When I answered the door, a nice man holding a beautiful vase filled with lilies met me with a much needed smile. I immediately thought they were sympathy flowers being that Grandpa died, and that they were lilies. To my surprise and joy they were for me! Thanks Laur! LOVE them! And I don't know who you think I am but I think I might die if I actually attempt to drink out of that over sized Margarita vase/glass. But, I'm sure going to try, as long as I can sub the Margarita for Beer ;-)

Here are a few pics of those beeeeeeeeeeautiful flowers.

The Carpel: Most beautiful part of the Lily

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