Monday, March 8, 2010

Letter to San Diego

Labels Designed & Created By: Kristen Farrell

My dear friend Kristen recently took a very exciting step to venture out to San Diego, California, with her lovely man I might add :-) Prior to her leaving, in searching of a career in Graphic design, she approached me and asked if I'd photograph her work for her portfolio. AB-SO-LUTELY! I couldn't have felt more honored that she'd asked me to be apart of something to crucial. Excited just wasn't the word to describe the feeling. I immediately threw out the idea of placing her work in front of a black backdrop and decided to implement them into real life situations. It needed something more than that, and it certainly deserved something more than that. Thankfully, she gave me complete artist freedom. The feeling was like paradise to me, and I've gotten addicted to the feeling. So this is what I have to say to you San Diego...

Dear San Diego:

Kristen Farrell is one of the most pleasurable, creative people I've had the fortune of having in my life. Knowing her as a person, as well as an artist I have the utmost respect for her as well as her talent. Her intuitive nature is able to capture and create what you may not be able to articulate. Her ideas are novel and innovative, and she's patient, eager and goddam witty!

I found solace in her presence, as she was able to make me laugh after an extrememly stressful and/or discouraging day. She helped me to channel those emotions in art. That advice is invaluable to me. It'd be a downright foolish decision not to work with her.

Thank you.

Here's to you lovebug, thank you for the delight!

I think this T-shirt should be worn by all Graffiti Artists... Design By: Kristen Farrell

B Cheeky Breath Strips

Organic Maple Syrup. Label created by: Kristen Farrell

Anna(bells) Cupcakes!!
Packaging designed and created by Kristen Farrell
Cupcakes baked and created by: Kristen Farrell, Angela Bruno & Special Guest Appearance from Adam Reynolds ;-)

I strongly believe that if we prove unsuccessful in the fields of Graphic Design and Photography, we can start our own Cupcake Business. Crumbs beware.

1 comment:

  1. I love these pictures Ang! I want to print them out and hang them in my apartment they're so beautiful!
