Friday, March 5, 2010

Death Of a Giant

Joe Bruno
November 13, 1922 - February 26, 2010

I've been putting off this blog thing for a while now...I'm pretty sure it's been months. I don't know what exactly I was afraid of, if anything but I've logged in, stared at it, got frustrated with it, snarled at it, and ran away from it...And it's been haunting me. I've always thought it was pretty self centered to write about yourself, espcially out into the dark abyss of cyberspace. Really, who's going to read it and who the hell is going to care? I never got it. However, I read other people's all the time and love it. Sometimes they're crappy, unexciting and just a waste of time, but then you get those who are inspiring. And lorddddddd knows sometimes I need a little inspiration. I think we all do. I read things, see things, hear different things, perpectives and it sparks a thought, an idea. A little creativity is like gold to me. Now I think I'm going to stop running away and start lettin' loose. Watch out now, 'cause I've got this. ;-)
Grandpa Joe recently passed, or as my neice Taryn refers to him, "GGPa" - that stands for Great GrandPa just in case you couldn't figure it out. It started for me back in August after the sudden passing of my Grandma, that I realized I hadn't had many pictures of, or with my Grandparents. Especially Joe. I suddently went into this frenzy like I had to catch up on the past 24 years of not having anything, in only a few months. He was a pretty intriguing guy. Tall in stature with the presense of a GIANT. He commanded every room, restraunt, church he ever occupied. With my recent passion for photography, I decided he'd be my next subject.
The car accident he'd gotten into, that caused all this disaster, had done quite a bit of damage...mostly to his ego. Although mentally and emotially solid most of the time, physically he wasn't himself. That you could see enraged him. It was frustrating and embarassed him that he had to depend on his family for help. Still, he hung out. He faught pretty hard. I wouldn't have expected anything less.

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