Sunday, November 28, 2010

"Sweet Tooth" is an understatement

I have a horrendous habit of munching while I edit, and of course, I edit often.  My clothes got too tight a long time ago, something needed to be done...So I've decided to buckle down and rid my cabinets, fridge/freezer and all the other nooks I've hidden "emergency" candy in, of any kind of sweets.  What better time for this change than the holiday season?

I'm having a hard time dealing. SO, when I get the urge I just look at this.  Sometimes I want to eat my computer.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Sunny Summer Day on Staten Island

Serena and I travelled alllll the way down to Staten Island where we were on the hunt for a graveyard...a boat graveyard. What we found was a grasshopper. I'm convinced he/she was a human in its past life. I promise it posed for us, and we didn't even ask it to.

Serena, you sneak Mamma you.
For all of you who know me, you know how I hate getting my picture taken. I do. A lot. BUT, I LOVE this! After hours of driving and searching, we found a small entranceway that led us to the boat graveyard. Too bad it was too far away to get into :( We had fun trying though.

This young grasshopper sure has patience.

Jamie & Elisa's Wedding!

Jamie & Elisa's Wedding
July. 2010

These two ladies have set the bar pretty high for our future brides. Super cool, super fun. You two are going to be a couple of pretty awesome Mammas ;)
Can't wait for the little guy to arrive!!!

The Dear Hunter & O'Brother at the Knitting Factory, BK

love love love music.

Checked out these boys back in September-ish. Can't get enough. Their myspace/cd does their live performance no justice. So so good.


Anton Dang: wins best hair...ever

The Dear Hunter

I like group effort.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

DJ Expo: Atlantic City, New Jersey.

I have some pretty awesome people in my life. I know I've said it before, and I'll probably say it thousands of more times, so get used to it, because it's true. Let's take Hobie. H bomb, H-Deezy, or my fave, H to the O.B. Him and his spectacular wife Nina invited me to accompany them to the DJ Expo this past August. The night before I was in Pittsfield, MA, my phone broke and my mind was fuzzy from excitement, and I had no idea where they were staying or what time to meet them. I felt like everything in the world was telling me not to go, yet there was a strong urge telling me that I had to. Couldn't explain it, just had to go. So we drove home, I got ready and I hopped in the car and headed for the Shore with only a hope that I'd somehow find them. After HOURS of waiting and searching I finally did, and the next few days were some of the best I'd ever had :)

First Night: DJ Roonie G at the Casbah Club....unreal.

Day 2: Artist Panel and Q & A with Jazzy Jeff!

The Jump Smokers

Jazzy Jeff

Hobie with Jazzy Jeff

New friend, Anthony and Jazzy Jeff

DVDJ Unique

Travie McCoy + Jessica Jarrell


2am Club

Kelly Williams!

Sha Sha Shaggy


Judy Torres

Tyler from 2am Club with Hobie and Ann

Monte and I

Mmm Joey Fatone....take 2 :)

DJ Creme

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Me oh My

It's been about 4 months since my last post. Things have been quite busy to say the least. A wonderful balance between photo assignments, internships, heartbreaks and the best of all, lusty affairs with the world, my world.

I'll be spending the next few days updating the last several months so please stay tuned. There's a lot to catch you up on :)