Saturday, December 18, 2010

Birsner Kiddies


My cousins (and brother) have the cutest kids I've ever seen.  I'm not just saying that because I'm related to them, they're honestly a pretty good looking bunch, and they have the personality to match.  It was FREEEZING out, but Grace & Owen were pretty awesome despite it all...not to mention I had a lot of help from their pretty awesome Mom too.  Note to self: silly dances = laughs = great photos

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Thurmeier Family Portraits!

 I had the pleasure of spending my Halloween morning with the Thurmeirs.  These girls are the cu-cu-cuuuutest! So fun and incredibly well behaved. I hope they got all the candy they wanted because they definitely deserved it!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

"Sweet Tooth" is an understatement

I have a horrendous habit of munching while I edit, and of course, I edit often.  My clothes got too tight a long time ago, something needed to be done...So I've decided to buckle down and rid my cabinets, fridge/freezer and all the other nooks I've hidden "emergency" candy in, of any kind of sweets.  What better time for this change than the holiday season?

I'm having a hard time dealing. SO, when I get the urge I just look at this.  Sometimes I want to eat my computer.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Sunny Summer Day on Staten Island

Serena and I travelled alllll the way down to Staten Island where we were on the hunt for a graveyard...a boat graveyard. What we found was a grasshopper. I'm convinced he/she was a human in its past life. I promise it posed for us, and we didn't even ask it to.

Serena, you sneak Mamma you.
For all of you who know me, you know how I hate getting my picture taken. I do. A lot. BUT, I LOVE this! After hours of driving and searching, we found a small entranceway that led us to the boat graveyard. Too bad it was too far away to get into :( We had fun trying though.

This young grasshopper sure has patience.

Jamie & Elisa's Wedding!

Jamie & Elisa's Wedding
July. 2010

These two ladies have set the bar pretty high for our future brides. Super cool, super fun. You two are going to be a couple of pretty awesome Mammas ;)
Can't wait for the little guy to arrive!!!

The Dear Hunter & O'Brother at the Knitting Factory, BK

love love love music.

Checked out these boys back in September-ish. Can't get enough. Their myspace/cd does their live performance no justice. So so good.


Anton Dang: wins best hair...ever

The Dear Hunter

I like group effort.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

DJ Expo: Atlantic City, New Jersey.

I have some pretty awesome people in my life. I know I've said it before, and I'll probably say it thousands of more times, so get used to it, because it's true. Let's take Hobie. H bomb, H-Deezy, or my fave, H to the O.B. Him and his spectacular wife Nina invited me to accompany them to the DJ Expo this past August. The night before I was in Pittsfield, MA, my phone broke and my mind was fuzzy from excitement, and I had no idea where they were staying or what time to meet them. I felt like everything in the world was telling me not to go, yet there was a strong urge telling me that I had to. Couldn't explain it, just had to go. So we drove home, I got ready and I hopped in the car and headed for the Shore with only a hope that I'd somehow find them. After HOURS of waiting and searching I finally did, and the next few days were some of the best I'd ever had :)

First Night: DJ Roonie G at the Casbah Club....unreal.

Day 2: Artist Panel and Q & A with Jazzy Jeff!

The Jump Smokers

Jazzy Jeff

Hobie with Jazzy Jeff

New friend, Anthony and Jazzy Jeff

DVDJ Unique

Travie McCoy + Jessica Jarrell


2am Club

Kelly Williams!

Sha Sha Shaggy


Judy Torres

Tyler from 2am Club with Hobie and Ann

Monte and I

Mmm Joey Fatone....take 2 :)

DJ Creme